
Welcome from Archbishop MichaelArchbishop Michael Neary

Cuirim fáilte romhat chuig an leathanach idirlín um Chosaint Leanaí in Ard Deoise Thuama.

For many years now, great work in the area of Safeguarding has been done by the priests of the Archdiocese of Tuam, the Local Safeguarding Representatives, the Diocesan Safeguarding Committee, the Case Management Committee, the Safeguarding Trainers, Designated Liaison Persons, Support Personnel, as well as Sacristans, Choir Leaders, Children’s Liturgy Co-ordinators, and many more. This has truly been a sustained co-operative effort over a long period of time, and it is something of which we can be justifiably proud. Ní neart go cur le chéile.

We must not, however, become complacent. So much effort has been put into making the Church and the Parish a safe place for children we cannot allow it to be jeopardised. The Archdiocese is, therefore, a signatory to the National Board’s (NBSCCCI) Seven Safeguarding Standards and the Archdiocese of Tuam is committed to maintaining the highest standards in all our dealings with and ministry to children. Ar aghaidh linn le cúnamh Dé agus faoi threoir an Spiorad Naomh.

I avail of this opportunity to thank all who work to make ministry to children in a safe environment a reality, and I express a particular word of thanks to the Diocesan Director of Safeguarding, Maureen Walsh, who oversees and co-ordinates Safeguarding in the Archdiocese of Tuam.

Cuirim na daoine óga atá faoin ár gcúram, agus obair chosaint leanaí na hArd Deoise, faoi choimirce na Maighdine Muire, Máthair Dé.

Michael Neary
Archbishop of Tuam